Tridarma perguruan tinggi: pendidikan/ pengajaran, pengabdian dan penelitian

Friday, January 29, 2016

Cytotoxicity of a-terpineol in HeLa cell line and its effects to apoptosis and cell cycle

Rasuane Noor 1*, Indwiani Astuti 2, Mustofa 2

1 Program Studi Pendidikan Biologi, Fakultas Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro
2 Department of Pharmacology and Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta

a-Terpineol is a natural compound of terpenoid alcohols class. However, it can be synthesized from a-pinene of turpentin content. a-Terpineol has been reported as potential anticancer agent due to its activity on inhibition of cells growth and induction of tumor cell death. However, its anticancer activity in HeLa cervical cancer cells line has never been studied, yet. The aim of this study was to evaluate the cytotoxicity of a-terpineol and its effects to apoptosis and cell cycle. This was a quasi-experimental study with post-test only with non-equivalent control group design. Cytotoxicity of á-terpineol was evaluated using MTT cell viability assay. The effect of a-terpineol on cell apoptotis was tested using acridine orange-ethidium bromide staining method, whereas its effect on cell cycle was evaluated by flowcytometry method. The results showed that a-terpineol had cytotoxicity against HeLa cell with an IC50 value about 12.46 ug/mL. Furthermore, a-terpineol induced the HeLa with an IC50 value about 13.12 ug/mL. Cell accumulation at G1 phase during cell cycle after incubation with a-terpineol (52.78)was observed. In conclusion, a-terpineol is potential as an anticancer due to its ability to induce cell apoptosis and to inhibit the cell cycle at G1 phase.

a-Terpineol adalah senyawa bahan alam golongan alkohol terpenoid. Namun demikian senyawa ini telah berhasil disintesis dari a-pinen dalam terpentin. a-Terpineol dilaporkan sebagai antikanker potensial karena aktivitasnya dalam menghambat pertumbuhan sel dan menginduksi kematian sel tumor. Namun demikian, aktivitas antikankernya pada sel kanker serviks HeLa belum pernah diteliti. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji sitotoksisitas a-terpineol dan efeknya pada apoptosis dan siklus sel. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental kuasi dengan rancangan quasiexperimental study with post-test only with non-equivalent control group. Sitotoksisitas a-terpineol dikaji dengan penetapan viabilitas sel MTT. Efek a-terpineol terhadap apoptosis sel diuji dengan metode pengecatan acridine orange-ethidium bromide, sedangkan efeknya pada siklus sel diuji dengan metode flowsitometri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan a-terpineol mempunyai sitotoksisitas melawan sel HeLa dengan nilai IC50 sekitar 13.12 ag/mL. Akumulasi sel pada fase G1 selama siklus sel setelah inkubasi dengan a- terpineol (52.78) dijumpai dalam penelitian. Dapat disimpulkan, a-terpineol potensial sebagai antikanker karena efeknya dalam menginduksi apoptosis dan menghambat siklus sel pada fase G1.

Keywords: a-terpineol – cytotoxicity – apoptosis - cell cycle – anti cancer - HeLa

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